Who's Who in
Law Academia

    Michelle Kelly-Louw

  • Professor
  • Michelle Kelly-Louw
  • Department of Mercantile Law
  • http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID...
  • University of South Africa
  • P O Box 392
    Unisa 0003
    South Africa
  • LLD
  • 2008
  • University of South Africa
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Michelle Kelly-Louw is a professor at the University of South Africa. She lectures the law of negotiable instruments, insolvency law and banking law. She has published over 60 legal articles (accredited and non-accredited), chapters in books and technical research reports in the fields of insolvency law, banking law and consumer credit law. In 2008 she received the University of South Africa’s principal’s prize for excellence in research and in 2009 she also received the Resilience in Research Award. She completed her doctoral degree in international banking law in 2008. She was one of the drafters of the Land Bank Act of 2002. She was a member of the Business SA’s Task Group on Insolvency Law who investigated the proposed Unified Insolvency and Business Recovery Bill of 2003. She drafted the consequential amendments contained in the National Credit Act of 2005 and also assisted with the drafting of the regulations to this Act. She was appointed as one of the initial drafters of the new Deeds Registries Act and the Sectional Titles Act. She was also appointed to the panel of legal experts (legislative drafting) for the South African National Treasury as well as to the legal panel of the National Roads Agency Limited Property Portfolio. She is a member of the Association of Insolvency Practitioners of South Africa, a board member of the International Association of Consumer Law, a member of the editorial advisory board of the International Journal of Law and Management (UK), and also an advisory member of the Journal for Estate Planning Law.

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