Professor Rocque Reynolds is an experienced researcher on the relationship between social policy and law with a particular focus on the role of regulatory authorities in food and agriculture (see for example “Red Bull Gives you wiings: The Regulation of Drug-Foods” 39 , Federal Law Review Vol 2, pp ; "Detoxification, Displacement and Deferral: the democratic failures of GM regulation" , Griffith Law Review 18(3) 2009; R Reynolds, Fair Dinkum: A Production Contract for the Pasture Seeds Industry, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra 2011). She has conducted large scale qualitative and quantitative research into the social and legal impact of contract growing in Australian agriculture (see R Reynolds, Plant Breeder's Rights and Contract Growing in the Pasture Seeds Industry: A Market in Transition, Rural Industries Research and Development , Canberra 2007). Rocque is particularly interested in the regulatory challenges of the decentred state and she has supervised post graduate research into a number of regulatory authorities including the NSW Food Authority, the GM Regulator and the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal