Who's Who in
Law Academia

    Roman Tomasic

  • Professor
  • Roman Tomasic
  • School of Law
  • http://www.unisa.edu.au/law/about/staff.asp
  • University of South Australia
  • 228 Hindley Street
    GPO Box 2471
    Adelaide SA 5001
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • I) INSIDER TRADING/ Insider Dealing - originally funded by a Criminology Research Council grant;
    (ii) COMPANY TAKEOVERS and the Takeover Process - originally funded as an Australian Research Grants Scheme Large project;
    (iii) TAX COMPLIANCE and the role of tax advisers - originally funded as a Criminology Research Council project.
    (iv) DIRECTORS' DUTIES and Corporate Governance in Australia and China. The Australian research into the top 100 companies was funded in 1989 by an Australian Research Council Large Grant and led by Roman Tomasic and Stephen Bottomley; Research into corporate governance in China's top 100 companies was funded by an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant in 2002 and involved Roman Tomasic, Neil Andrews, Jane Fu and Yuwa Wei.
    (v) INSOLVENCY LAW IN EAST ASIA: this research was funded by an Australian Research Council Large grant in 1994 and saw field work in six Asian jurisdictions in a project thta involved Roman Tomasic, Peter Little, Kam Kamarul and Kui Hua Wang.
    (vi) INSTITUTIONAL SHAREHOLDERS: A project on the role of institutional shareholders in corproate governance was funded by an ARC Collaborative Research Grant in 1996 and involved Roman Tomasic and Geof Nicoll.
    (vii) ECONOMIC LAW REFORM IN CHINA: In 1996 AusAid also funded a comparative law project on the Reform of the Economic Laws of China involving Australia and China; Professor Tomasic was the Australian director of this project and Professor Wang Weiguo of CUPL was the China project director.
    (vii) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE in Post-WTO ENTRY CHINA: a grant of $140,000 was received in 2003 from the Australian Government for a collaborative corporate governance project with three Beijing-based universities involving workshops in China and Australia; a conference volume (Corporate Governance - Challenges for China) was published in Beijing by Law Press

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